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What is the IP address of the CopyMinder server?

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Some firewalls and proxy servers require web addresses to be entered into a 'whitelist' to allow access to Internet servers.
Current versions of the .cm file try each of the following in turn when carrying out a protection check until it successfully accesses one of them:

Versions of the .cm file up to 70 try each of the following in turn when carrying out a protection check until it successfully accesses one of them:
Primary2: NOTE : as of 23 March 2023 this server is offline permanently
Secondary (limited functionality):

Versions earlier than 42 are unsupported, information for historical purposes only

Prior to release 42 of the .cm file, it used:
Primary:  - NOTE:  As of 29 Sep 2011 this server is offline permanently.
Secondary (limited functionality):
Prior to release 30 of the .cm file, it used:
Secondary (limited functionality):

All versions use HTTP on port 80.
Version 74 onwards offesr a client configurable option to communicate over HTTPS on port 443.
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